Write On! Chippewa Valley Writers Guild Presents Virtual Summer Writing Retreat
upcoming events offer inspiration, feedback, and writing tips for area writers (for FREE!)
The Chippewa Valley Writers Guild, along with the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library and the John and Betsy Kell Family Fund in partnership with the Eau Claire Community Foundation, have slated a virtual summer writer’s retreat with seven sources of inspiration you can’t miss! This series of 45-minute craft talks will cover a range of genres and topics, from nonfiction reportage, historical fiction, poetry, the lyric essay, children’s literature, and more. If you want to write about the challenges of rural life or finish that novel you started 17 years ago – or you would love to share those family secrets in a memoir with a layer of grace – boy, does CVWG have the tools for you! Check out these exciting upcoming virtual events in place of the guild’s annual retreat, and register online at www.cvwritersguild.org/events.
May 11 – Carson Vaughan presents “Distilling the Extra from the Ordinary: Writing and Reporting in Flyover Country”
Vaughn shares the imperative significance of rural culture and how it can enhance story.
May 18 – Phong Nguyen presents “Building Strong Connective Tissue: Beyond Plot, Character, Setting, and Theme”
Nguyen considers the connection between plot, character, setting, and theme.
June 1 – Larry Watson presents “40 In 40: Lessons From 40 Years of Teaching Condensed into 40 Minutes”
Watson focuses on conflict and other storytelling devices readers love.
June 8 – Margi Preus presents “‘Can I Pull This Off?’ And Other Questions That Drive Our Writing and Inspire Our Stories
Preus suggests using question is crucial to story and keeps us writing.
June 15 – Amanda Skenandore presents “Writing the Past”
Skenandore blends elements of history into story.
June 29 – Madison Poet Laureate Angie Trudell Vasquez presents “Poetry for the People Workshop”
Trudell Vasquez examines poems that resist and renew, give hope and joy.
July 27 – Matthew Gavin Frank presents “Turning Away from the Explosion, Or, The Power of Free Association in the Lyrics Essay”
Gavin Frank combines ingredients of poetry, essay and memoir (lyric essay) to discuss the power of association.
For more details and required registration, visit cvwritersguild.org/events.